By Erica Spray

As the owner of Simply Slim Alabama Weight-Loss and Wellness Clinic in Alabaster, I have seen so many success stories unfold before my eyes week after week. Myself included. I wanted to share some of the things that helped my weight-loss journey become a success. I was able to lose almost 70 pounds in 2020 after battling with years of failed attempts at weight loss. I felt defeated. I was doing everything right, yet I wasn’t seeing the change that I desired. Here is my top 10 pieces of advice for anyone who wants to get heathy or lose weight this summer:

  1. Check for underlying health conditions that could hinder weight-loss

For me, it was Hashimoto’s disease. After the last failed attempt at dieting and exercise with no results, I finally found a doctor who asked me one simple question. “Have you checked your thyroid levels?” The next day I got a full panel of labs drawn. Everything from thyroid to hormones. Once I found out what was happening in my body, I was able to fix the real problem, and that led me to my goal faster.

  1. Get adequate sleep

I know what you are thinking. How cliché! But the truth is, sleep not only helps boost metabolism, but lack of sleep is also linked to poor food choices and increased hunger. Not to mention decreased physical activity.

  1. Intermittent fasting

Fasting for a short time can cause ketosis. This is a process that occurs when the body does not have enough glucose for energy. Therefore, the body will begin breaking down stored fat. This causes an increase in ketones. This process, in addition to consuming fewer calories is a sure way to put yourself in a calorie deficit.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Another cliché? Perhaps. But the proven benefit to hydration is a never-ending list.  Water helps you feel full. It’s that simple. Try drinking a tall glass of water before a meal, and you are likely to eat less. Water intake also keeps your skin looking younger. Win/win.

  1. Get your fiber

Ok, so what is fiber? There are actually two types of fiber: Insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber helps food pass through your digestive system. Soluble fiber helps eliminate fat and lower cholesterol. Not only does consuming fiber help reduce stubborn belly fat, but it can also reduce the risk of developing heart disease, diverticulitis, colon cancer, and diabetes. Two great souces of fiber: avocados and apples

  1. Meal prepping

Sunday was my meal prep day. I would cook one big pot of something I didn’t mind eating every day for lunch. For me, this was chili. I would divide the pot into seven containers, and that was my lunch for the week. For breakfast I had a protein shake and a banana, so the only meal I had to think about was dinner. With the choices already made for me, I was less likely to swing through a drive-thru or make a less healthy choice.

  1. Changing my mindset

It seemed like as soon as I said the word diet out loud it was as if a wave of hunger would come crashing down on me. I had to remind myself that eating was not a form of entertainment nor was it source of fun/happiness. I needed to get into the mindset that food was a source of survival. I only needed to consume enough to give me energy. Let’s be honest, nothing with pounds of sugar or high-fructose corn syrup is giving you energy or a better life. Removing the fun from food was an easy way to stick to a routine.

  1. Movement

I say movement rather than working out, because I absolutely loathe working out. If you are the type of person who loves the gym, that is wonderful. But if you ever see me running, you better run too, because there is something chasing me. But in all seriousness, I knew that I could not remain sedentary, so I would use the weight loss pod at work or even just pull the resistance bands I wrapped around my desk chair. Standing up to get my blood flowing for a few minutes was also helpful. For those of you who don’t know abut our pod, its lifechanging. You get all the benefits of running while laying down doing nothing. It’s brilliant.

  1. Be kind to yourself

You did not get this way over night, and you will not reverse it overnight either. Weight loss is a journey. Not only is it a physical journey, but it is also very much a mental journey. Remind yourself that you are human, and mistakes shouldn’t make you quit. Consistency is key. Weight is something a lot of people obsess over. If you are reading this, I just want you to know that you are beautiful at any size. Maybe change your goal to becoming a healthier version of yourself so that you don’t over obsess with the number on the scale.

  1. Quit saying you will start Monday.

Just do it!

Reach Erica at: [email protected]