As the first semester of school ends, some of the members of the Alabaster Teen Council share their ideas for making the school year the best it can be.

Making High School the Best it can Be

In high school, teenagers get a chance to establish their independence and navigate their education, friendships, and more. However, most teens will experience some form of “stress,” whether it’s a hard class, navigating the social structure, or just trying to fit in. But with these tips from the Alabaster Teen Council, school doesn’t have to be stressful. With a positive attitude and friendships, this year just might be the best one yet.

-Sasha Gann and Thuy Nguyen


Get Involved

The city of Alabaster, as well as Thompson High School, offers a myriad of opportunities to get involved. Volunteering creates feelings of gratitude and helps build lasting friendships. Serving the community and school will brighten others’ day and positively impact mental health. Thompson High School offers 33 clubs and a multitude of sports programs to choose from. Leadership and service opportunities around the city of Alabaster are also a great way to give back!

-Kaitlyn Burnett

Advice for Freshmen

High school can be hard, especially when you’re in to a new school as a freshman. As an upcoming junior, my best advice for freshmen would be to get involved. Getting involved has helped me meet so many people and has helped me decide my path after high school. It was honestly also the easiest way to make friends with people from different grades.

-Akaree Barbour


Note to the Seniors

To the class of 2024, congratulations, we have finally made it to our senior year! As we get closer to graduation, continue to work hard and stay connected in activities and academics. If I have one piece of advice I could give for our senior year, it would be to go for it. Go for the sport you have always wanted to play, the leadership role in your club, or even just being more involved in your social life. It is never too late to go for it! I am so proud of everything we have accomplished, and cannot wait to see what the future holds for us!

-Abigail Bess and MaryDee Sirmons

Catch members of the Alabaster Teen Council in the Alabaster Christmas Parade on December 2, and join them for a bonfire for teens in January (details to come).